Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Outcrowd Events
Temporarily Suspended






Outline as an organisation takes the safety of people that use our services and our volunteers seriously.

Until further notice – we have had to suspend all face to face support provided by Outline. We appreciate this is very disappointing but an essential action in the current circumstances the world is facing. 

Please if you have friends and contacts that usually go to Outcrowd that are not on email or internet please can you let them know/print a copy of this email for them. 

Due to the developing events with Corona Virus (COVID-19) it is important that we do all we can to prevent the futher spread and development of this serious virus.

Above are a couple of helpful infographics. Its important at this time to ensure your mental and physical wellbeing. Below are links to latest information from NHS and Government on Corona Virus.





How can I find out when Outcrowd Events start again?

There are several ways of staying in touch with Outline:




Outline’s Website
NHS – COVID 19 Resources
Government Covid-19 Info Site