What can I do to help stop transphobia?

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What can I do to help stop transphobia?

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What can I do to help stop transphobia?

No one has the right to discriminate against another person, or to hurt them emotionally or physically. There are things you can do to help stop transphobia:

  • Don’t ever use slurs against transgender people.
  • Don’t ask personal questions about a transgender person’s genitals, surgery, or sex life.
  • Avoid giving trans people compliments that are actually insults. Some examples include: “You look just like a real girl!” or “I never would have guessed you were transgender!”
  • Don’t believe stereotypes about trans people or make assumptions about them.
  • Be a vocal supporter of the transgender community, regardless of your own gender identity.
  • Let the transgender people in your life know that you’re a friend and ally.
  • Educate yourself on transgender issues.
  • Respect someone’s decisions about when and where to come out.
  • If you don’t know a person’s preferred pronouns or name, ask them.
  • Use gender neutral language, such as “they” and “them” or “folks” and “people” instead of “he/she” or “girls and boys.”
  • Respect trans people’s chosen pronouns and names and use them.
  • Remember that being transgender is just one part of a person’s life.
  • If you feel safe doing so, speak up when other people are being transphobic, like making transphobic jokes, using slurs, or bullying or harassing someone because of their gender identity.

When addressing transphobia in others:

  • Ask questions and stay calm. Often, people don’t know what language is insensitive. Avoid insulting them and instead tell them why you find their words offensive.
  • Decide if it’s safe to address the issue. Some things to consider: Will you be confronting a stranger in public? Or a friend or family member in private? Do you want to speak up now or wait until you’re alone with the person? Would it be safest for you stay quiet and walk away?

It’s okay if you mess up a person’s pronouns or name by accident sometimes, especially if their transition is new to you. If this happens, apologize and make an effort to use the correct pronoun in the future.

When it comes to language, the following things are bullying:

  • Intentionally calling them the name they no longer use
  • Intentionally using the wrong pronouns

Definition from: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/gender-identity/transgender

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