Social Health and Wellbeing

We all have to interact with other people. How someone interacts with other people or institutions and how they in response react to the individual will impact upon that person’s social health. If someone doesn’t conform to accepted societal morals and norms this interaction can sometimes be difficult.

Some causes of poor social health in LGBT people


People who have a fear or dislike of homosexuals


People who have a fear or dislike of transgender people


People who have a fear or dislike of bisexual people or don’t believe that bisexual people exist

Hate crimes

Hate crime is any incident perceived to have been committed against any person or property on the grounds of a particular person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, religion or disability.

What is a hate crime?


Unhappiness caused by the death of a close relation or friend


To hurt or frighten someone who is less powerful than you, often forcing them to do something they do not want to do

Availability of social spaces

If places for people to meet and talk to like minded people are not available to everyone


Feeling that there is a lack of equality with heterosexuals in a variety of issues such as legal rights and the feeling that LGBT people are treated less favourably

Shyness / Social anxiety

Fear of social situations can cause people to avoid then leading to social isolation

Relationship breakdown

Can have a similar as bereavement to some people

Possible effects of poor social health

Social exclusion or isolation

People who are isolated due to having no other like minded people in their lives feel very lonely

Gender identity issues

People who are having difficulty knowing what gender they feel they should be

Relationship problems

People who want advice with how their relationship with their partners is going

Same sex domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can be psychological, sexual, financial, emotional or physical. It is all about subjecting somebody to these forms of abuse in order to gain power and control over them

Sexual confusion

People who are having difficulty identifying their sexual orientation

Difficulty coming out

Advice on how to tell other people about your sexuality or gender identity

Substance abuse

Overindulgence in or dependence on an addictive substances such as alcohol or drugs

Risk taking behaviour

People who do very dangerous things as a cry for help. For example having unprotected sex with someone they know is HIV positive

Mental health issues

See here


The information on this website should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns regarding your own health or that of any other individual you should contact your GP or a GUM clinic as soon as possible.